TheSurfaPore®family of productsmake ithydrophobicsurfaces, while maintainingalmostunchanged theability totranspire.Saidin other words, they are not"" nor "waterproofingsealers", buttreatedsurfacesdo notwetanymore.FamilySurfaPoreproductscontainnanoparticlesofsilicon dioxide(SiO2), whichbindindividuallyto thesurfaceandgeneratea force thatrepelswater.Eachparticledoes not adheremechanicallyto thesurface, butbindsto it withmetal-oxygenchemical bonds-metal.Figuring out how tooperatejustcomparethe sizeof nanoparticleswithporesof the substrate, theirdiameter isaboutathousandth ofthatof the pores(1,000times smaller), so they areable tocoverthe poresfrom clogging-free. As a resultthe substratemaintains itsability totranspire.On thetreatedsurfacesdo not createawaterprooflayer, which preventsthe passage of water, butitgeneratesa force thatrepelswater.Thewaterproofingpropertiesof sealantsbasedonplastic polymers, as wellsmall,rapidlydecreasesthe effectof UV rays, aftersix months youcanalso reducethe75%. Compared to otherplasticpolymer-basedsealants, accelerated agingtests, which simulatea period of8years, showa lossof less than20%.
DeSalin K is a special detergent for a fast and efficient cleaning. It is ideal for removing stains due to the use of "sticky" paint, concrete and adhesive materials. For less dirty surfaces, DeSalin K can be diluted with tap water.