Thisrooftreatmentsavesenergy,reflecting thethermalradiation, blockingthe transfer of heatand eliminatingthewater permeabilityof theouter surfacesand the subsequentcollectionof dirt.
TheSurfaPore®family of productsmake ithydrophobicsurfaces, while maintainingalmostunchanged theability totranspire.Saidin other words, they are not"" nor "waterproofingsealers", buttreatedsurfacesdo notwetanymore.FamilySurfaPoreproductscontainnanoparticlesofsilicon dioxide(SiO2), whichbindindividuallyto thesurfaceandgeneratea force thatrepelswater.Eachparticledoes not adheremechanicallyto thesurface, butbindsto it withmetal-oxygenchemical bonds-metal.Figuring out how tooperatejustcomparethe sizeof nanoparticleswithporesof the substrate, theirdiameter isaboutathousandth ofthatof the pores(1,000times smaller), so they areable tocoverthe poresfrom clogging-free. As a resultthe substratemaintains itsability totranspire.On thetreatedsurfacesdo not createawaterprooflayer, which preventsthe passage of water, butitgeneratesa force thatrepelswater.Thewaterproofingpropertiesof sealantsbasedonplastic polymers, as wellsmall,rapidlydecreasesthe effectof UV rays, aftersix months youcanalso reducethe75%. Compared to otherplasticpolymer-basedsealants, accelerated agingtests, which simulatea period of8years, showa lossof less than20%.
Originality of the product guarantee: quality, sustainability, durability. Factors that enhance and exalt the product, as distinct from any imitation.
"White. The white paints, enamels and Oikos "integrates totally ecological which allow the customer to make an informed choice and attentive, respecting the health and the environment.
You can decline the paintings and the subjects of "White. The white Oikos "not only white but in a range of colors can be obtained directly from white and depending on the decorative folder.
Label that certifies the level of pollutant emissions in the environments and highlights in the eyes of the consumer, be sure to choose paints and non-polluting materials.
FONDO MURALES OIKOS is a special filler acrylic paint, to be used as a base coat for decorative effects.Ideal as a primer for decorative painting Encanto Oikos.The formulation based on acrylic resins combines high transpiration with excellent coverage, preparing the support for subsequent decoration.With low odor, non-flammable, a friend of man and the...
Spalter brush in pure bristle for decorative effects.Ideal for use with Oikos Encanto and Oikos Ottocento.Available in four sizes: 70, 100, 120 and 150
Ecopitture solutions for interior wallsThe EcoPitture of the line "White. White House creating walls, Oikos "adorn the walls of the House, a new skin with glossy effects, frosted and opaque.
Ecoglazes for each surface.The eco-glazes of the "White" line. The white Oikos "furnish the surfaces of the objects of the house with an ecological white, without formaldehyde, with Matt, satin and glossy finish.